charlotte wood
TSC The Children Brothers & Sisters Animal People Love & Hunger
                                                                                             'read in order to live' · flaubert
Favourites & friends

Tegan Bennett Daylight, critic, novelist & short story writer

Lucinda Holdforth, speech writer & author Why Manners Matter & True Pleasures

Caroline Baum, journalist, broadcaster and exceptional literary interviewer

Ashley Hay, author The Railwayman's Wife, The Body in the Clouds, Gum, The Secret & other books

Stephanie Clifford-Smith, food & travel writer & author Kink: A Straight Girl's Investigation

Art Van Go, Charlotte's husband Sean McElvogue's art transportation business

Denise Young, author The Last Ride

Eileen Naseby, author Ursula: A Voyage of Love & Drama

Nadine Davidoff, freelance editor

Australia Street Cottage
, a gorgeous place to stay in Sydney

Lizzie Farey, willow artist (and Charlotte's cousin)