charlotte wood
TSC The Children Brothers & Sisters Animal People Love & Hunger
                                                                                             'read in order to live' · flaubert


Big Ideas, ABC Television

All stories are love stories, a panel with Karen Lord, & Emily St John Mandel & Cath Keneally, Adelaide Writers' Week, 2013

It's not easy being good, a panel with Hannie Rayson, Ailsa Piper & Caroline Baum, Byron Bay Writers' Festival 2012.


Love & Hunger promo


On Love & Hunger - interview by Caroline Baum,


Animal People launch by Malcolm Knox, Better Read Than Dead, October 2011

To see the full version of Malcolm Knox's speech at the launch, watch the Youtube clip here.

Caroline Baum interviews Charlotte about Animal People - five short videos







The Children on Jennifer Byrne's First Tuesday Book Club, ABC Television

Watch the panel discussion of The Children here (2007)