charlotte wood
TSC The Children Brothers & Sisters Animal People Love & Hunger
                                                                                             'read in order to live' · flaubert

Interviews, articles, discussions

Island magazine: Island talks to Charlotte about her work & literary magazine - online here.

Sydney ABC Radio Drive: Richard Glover talks to Charlotte about Love & Hunger

Midday, ABC Classic FM: Joe Gelonesi talks to Charlotte about Love & Hunger

Conversations: Charlotte talks with Richard Fidler on his popular ABC radio program

Writers' Rooms: Visit Charlotte's writing room with The Book Show, ABC Radio National

The Book Show's Dominic Knight- interview with Charlotte about Animal People

This dog is not a human being...(right?): Good Weekend essay on anthropomorphism

Varuna feature: Diana Jenkins' Q&A with Charlotte

Jo Case interview, Readings blog: Q&A on Animal People

Booktopia's 10 Terrifying Questions: On Animal People and other matters ...

Perilous Adventures interview - Sandra Hogan interview, on Animal People & other books

On the writing process -Whohub online interview

Brothers & Sisters - Charlotte Wood with Ramona Koval
The Book Show, ABC RN, Nov 4 2009

Paula Grundseit's Wordsville Book Tweep - on reading (blog interview)

Australian novelists are finally gaining the recognition they deserve
by Caroline Baum, The Sunday Times, UK, May 18, 2008

The Book Show, ABC Radio National, February 11, 2008

First Tuesday Book Club
Summer special, ABC TV, December 9 2007

Family Matters, by Deborah Bogle, The Adelaide Advertiser, Dec 1 2007

Family fortunes, by Jane Sullivan, The Age, November 24, 2007

Life Matters, ABC Radio National, November 21 2007 (audio download available)

Mornings with Margaret Throsby
, ABC Classic FM, November 12 2007
Listen to this recording.

The Naked Novelist, podcast interview by Brendan Gullifer, November 27 2007

The Book Show, ABC Radio National
An intimate relationship: editors & writers, June 29, 2007
Love, desire & literature, October 13 2006

Words with James Griffin, ABC Television

Charlotte's Web, by Murray Waldren
First published The Weekend Australian, February 28, 2004

Matilda Review, Published at Matilda, an Australian literature blog, June 20, 2004

Take a florist & a monk & mix well, by Caroline Baum,
First published The Sydney Morning Herald, February 28, 2004

Pieced together, by Matt Condon, first published Sunday Life magazine,
The Sun Herald, November 14, 1999

Writers on Writing
UTS 2006 - Australian writers speak about the writing process